Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Energy that you leave behind...

What makes a great man?

I came upon that question after I already had an answer... I felt it by the energy of one great architect and his wife left. It all began when I had to find a place to organize one party for promotion of a new issue of one very cool lifestyle magazine. And talking to a also one cool guy,  he suggested my one special place. I just knew it was the right location 'cause every time I was driving there, I saw that villa with such nice natural garden decorated with beautiful modern art sculptures that just drag you to go and see it. The opportunity was finally here...

But this vibe just came along when I stepped inside the house. It was a house of Vjenceslav Richter and his wife Nada  Kareš Richter that generously donated their home to the city of Zagreb; and Museum of Modern Art is now in charge of it. Home they where living, art they done is now open to all people who wants to see it, their garden also open to people who spent their day in a beautiful environment with a view on the City, what a great thing they have done...

So in the middle of the night, when the party was going on and people had a great time drinking cocktails and enjoying, I remember what the cool guy from the beginning of the story told me about that barbecue in the garden that was built there, it was actually made when Igor Stravinsky came to visit Mr. Richter, that they could barbecue together, and suddenly so much joy overcame me, I feel so good that we had the opportunity to be in the same place where they had their private conversations and done so many great things... And then it kicks me, your home, your place, to give to the other generations to enjoy it and see the things you have done, man, you live forever. And that's how I know now what makes a great man in the sense of sharing you home. Generosity, sharing, giving you art to the community to learn and cherish.

So I want to give an honor to a great man and his wife who lived their lives the way they wanted and shared their legacy.

Few days ago, I walked the street and saw in the window of a local library - it was dedicated to a great architect that lived in the neighborhood, Vjenceslav Richter, architect, sculptor and many more with arts spread from London to NYC, and his legacy; ARTkvART - art in our neighborhood. It was the moment I knew I have to write this. Because I learned the thing I want to share with you... 

Open you soul and home, show your art and the thing you do. Be generous, you'll feel good and have fun, share it and someone will care for it, trust me... 

Sculpture in the garden of the house

Always above his time..
Richter's pavilion at Expo 58 in Brussels

Richter's art
Mr. Richter, thank you...

P.s. If you're visiting Zagreb and want to see it contact: ZBIRKA RICHTER

Monday, May 26, 2014

Male stvari

Ovo je priča o malim stvarima.

Znate ono kad vam kažu da je sreća u malim stvarima? Da je malo potrebno da se nešto dobro dogodi... Najčešće u teoriji znamo da je to tako no u praksi masovno zakazujemo.
A ovo je priča o trenutku kada dobiješ sasvim neočekivano nešto malo ali sa tako velikom i dobrom pričom, da jednostavno ne možeš a da ne odreagiraš u praksi. 

Dosta apstrakcije, evo što se dogodilo..
Mjesecima niti jedan post nisam stavila, umjesto da blogiram naveče, ja sam odgovarala na mailove, izgubila sam po tko zna koji put balans između svojih privatnih i poslovnih obaveza pa je tako i moja kreativnost i osjećaj za the moment uvenula a sve ideje koje su letjele u zraku otišle su sa vjetrom i kišom.
I stalno sam obećavala samoj sebi da će večeras nešto napsiati, i da ću večeras stvoriti nešto, no na kraju sam se samoj sebi predala i rekla si, ne nećeš i ne stigneš sada, priznaj si da ne možeš. I mislila sam da nisam uspjela, da je bezveze sve što bi napravila. 

Onda sam igrom prilika dobila jedan mali vrt, genijalna ideja i super složena priča o Baštici, malom vrtu koji možeš staviti gdje ti drago, koji čak i uz malo ljubavi i vode odlično uspjeva.
Tek nakon nekoliko dana shvatila sam koliko me taj vrt zapravo razveselio i da nije svih ovih mojih par mjeseci bilo totalno neproduktivno; moj domaći mini vrt (ili baštica) već su imali prve jagode, sve se šareni na balkonu, frendovi su nam pčelice i gušteri.

I taj mali vrt potaknuo me da nakon dana nepisanja nešto ipak napišem... ovaj put na svom jeziku, tek toliko da se bolje osvjestim i lakše krenem u jednu novu lijepu kreativnu fazu, da se čitamo češće i produktivnije. J
Vrtlarite, dizajnirate, pišite i stvarajte, volite se i ljubite... i ne zaboravite na male stvari.



Baštica za ponjeti doma

Moja baštica koja je promjenila puno toga; kakav slatkiš!

moje jagode
Da znate kako mirišu samo...

dragoljub, mini paradajzići, i Rokova kantica

i preporuka za poslušati odličnu stvar od Elementala: Male stvari

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cool toys for big boys

Haven't been around much here, guess I lost it again somewhere between all of mine to do things... 
Don't hate me cause of that, please be gentile - I promised my self I would!

It's around 2 A.M. here. Wondering what do people in Japan do right now. Are they in hurry? Working? Chilling? Playing? Driving this cool car from picture below? 

Stay big in Japan,