Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sultans of swing

If you're into astrology, perhaps you already know that 2013. is all about romance, love, family, general about wakening your emotions.  Mapped on the living area, bedroom is that place. Of course, living room and dinning room can also represent that energy, but bedroom is in my subject of observation now. 

Perhaps that's the reason why there's so many followers of "50 shades of Gray" or (in Croatia) why do so many women watch Suleiman the Magnificent.  Must admit, I didn't read and watch either, but I do feel that bottom line that triggers  is love story.
And if your interested in love, do something in your bedroom. So I look at this subject trough Feng shui. Although I'm not an expert for it, I studied several books about Feng shui  (and Vastu, but less). If you're not so familiar with that field, just imagine it like the vibe you get by being somewhere.  
So to create that vibe in you bedroom, best colors would be warm palette of browns, deep reds, honey and beige tons, salmon, rust, lavender  raspberry color. Don't use too much of greens, blues and white, 'cause it could diminish intimacy. Vibe should be cozy, safe, sensual. Position of the bed is important, it's best that bed isn't in the line of the doors, and it's good that you can see the doors from bed.
I would add that the most  important thing, is to go to bed with a smile and open heart. Perhaps that's what Suleiman did when he had his harem so big. ;-)

Great advices like these one you can find by visiting
Morrocan interiors have that special vibe, but I love them so much that there'll be a whole subject about this type of interiors

Sultan cave room,

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